Friday, June 4, 2010

Kikker entered the meta gem market

A few weeks ago I started selling meta gems. Yes I know I am a slowpoke. I have been Jewel Crafting for over 1.5 year now and have never touched the meta gem market and this turned out to be a bad thing. I was kinda surprised that you can make some decent profit with meta gems.

I have been selling around 10 meta gems per day and generates around 200g profit.

Currently I only have two meta gem designs that I put on AH due to the fact I don’t have any good designs at the moment. I haven’t done the JC daily in months and recently I started doing them again to get some more designs.

These are the meta gem designs is currently use:
- Austere Earthsiege Diamond
- Chaotic Skyflare Diamond

And I am planning on buying these:
- Relentless Earthsiege Diamond
- Need to do more research on EJ and AH to see what people need and want.

What I do is, I use the green quality gems I get from prospecting Saronite Ore for my meta gem crafting. I buy the Eternal Fire and Eternal Air on AH for around 20-25g. When you got the mats you can make Earthsiege Diamond and Skyflare Diamond with Alchemy.

The costs of making the meta gems is then: 25g (Eternal fire or Air) + 2g x 2 (average of a green quality gem is around 2g) = around 29g.

The meta gems cut or uncut sell for around 35 – 60g on AH (yes on my server they fluctuate A LOT). So the profit is around 10 - 35g per meta gem.

- You need Alchemy (transmuting for more profit) and JC to make a maximum profit.
- Prospect Saronite Ore for green quality gems
- Buy the Eternal Fire and Air on AH for 20-25g per piece
- Transmute xxx and xxx with Alchemy
- Craft the meta gems with JC
- Put them on AH for
- Loot Mail box for winnings ^^

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Usefull addons for AH and Mail

Well first of we will start with some nice add-ons that will make your life easier posting and buying things on AH. The add-on I use is called Auctioneer.

With this add-on you can post multiple items in 1 single click and this will save a lot of time. You can also set the option ‘EasyBuyout’ and ‘EasyCancel’ this will speed up the process of buying your gems or ore on AH. Cancel can be useful if a lot of people undercut you so you can cancel your auctions and repost them fast.

Second add-on I use is Mailget. This add-on will empty your mailbox in a single click. This addon also is a time saver. And time is money or in this case gold ^^
Use the following command /reloadui when you still have pending mail due to a full mailbox.

Note this is an old add-on you can also use Postal.

These are the add-ons I use but there are many more add-ons than this. If you want to learn more of this I advice you to Google on auctioneer. There many videos and posts about this add-on and how to use it.

RAF mount Guide

The Recruit a Friend mount is in my opinion one of the coolest mounts in the game at the moment. Because it is the only mount that can carry two persons and scales to your fastest mount!

Picture is taken from mmo-champion.

How to get it?
Go to the website of World of Warcraft and to go recruit a friend. Insert the email of one of your friend or someone else. They will get an email with a code (trial account). If they make an account, upgrade the trial account and pay for two months you will get your mount!

How to find someone? You can try different things:
1- Ask a friend if he wants to try the game. You can even buy him the two months of game time. You will receive one month back for free if he pays for one month or more.

2- Ask an ex-wower to get back to the game and give him for example a level 80 char of yours (I did this).

3- Ask someone on a wow forum like mmo-champion. Some people like the RAF bonus XP (300%) and will ask you to level with them to level 60 or give them gold in return.

4- Email the trial account to yourself and upgrade it yourself. You do not need to upgrade the account up to WOTLK.

What will it cost?
1- Full upgrade with two months game time around EUR 70.00.
2- As above with one char transfer around EUR 90.00.
3- Same as first point around EUR 70.00.
4- Upgrade to vanilla wow with two months game time around EUR 27.50 (40.00-12.50) (pay for two months but you will receive one month free game time).

People who can get the mount
Players with a World of Warcraft account from the following countries are able to Recruit-A-Friend: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, UK, Ukraine, Norway, Sweden, Greece, Ireland, Russia and Spain

Extra tips
If you want the mount asap buy game time with a card and do not use your CC or any other payment method. If you do you will receive your mount after a month and 10 days, if you use a game card it will be instant.

If you do not have any friends that want to play wow go buy your own account. It only costs around EUR 27.50 and this is not that expensive considering that the mount in the wow shop is EUR 20.00 and the RAF mount is rare.

More information about RAF can be found at

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Making quick gold with blue quality gems

Blue quality gems are very cheap these days due to the fact that everyone buys the epic gems. Sometimes you can find uncut blue quality gems for fewer than 4.5g. Buy these cut them and sell them to an NPC. Of course you can also place them on AH for more profit!

This week I bought 40 forest emeralds for 2g a piece. Sold them to an NPC for 4.5g (cutted ofc) and made a profit of 100g for 5 minutes work. I did not sell them on AH because the last few weeks nobody is buying green gems on my server.