Monday, May 31, 2010

Recap week 21

Been pretty busy this week. Went to my parents this weekend so no wow pour moi! And I bought a new laptop today the HP Pavilion dv7-3130ed been busy downloading software and I have to install wow on it ^^ Anyways lets see what I did this week!

1) Gold
I made 5-7k gold this week by selling blue, epic quality gems and Meta gems. Still stocking blue quality gems for next patch.

The meta gem market is kinda nice to make gold. The average cost of making an Meta is around 30g and i sell them for 55-60g. And I can make tons of them because I have soo many green gems in my bank. More info on this will follow this week!

I also hitted 70k gold this week!

New project:
- Get information how to make gold with inscription.

I tried to play with my hunter this week but god do I hate hunters! I do not want to level this toon to 80 it is too boring. So prob will use my new paladin to get Enchanting and Inscription!

To do:
- Level a toon with Enchanting and Blacksmithing.

Been leveling my paladin for Enchanting and Blacksmitting and did some random dungeons and that was soo good. Had to wait 3-4 minutes for a group (super fast!!!) and got 1.5 levels in 45 minutes (rested, not RAF). So I will have some fun leveling this toon and I know I will enjoy leveling enchanting and inscription.

2) Mounts
This week I got one new mount getting my total to 105 mounts!

- Black Dragon: This mount is a reward for OS+3D 10 man bad thing is only one drops for the whole raid and it is 280% speed.

RAF mount is still incoming.

New project:
- Glory of the Hero

Been doing a few achievements per day been lacking some easy ones. At the moment I still have to do some hard ones and need only 5 more achievements before I get the mount :@

To do mounts:
- ZG Tiger and Raptor
- MgT
- Sath 3d 25
- Ulduar achievement mount

3) Pets
Obtained no pet this week.

- None at the moment

To do pets:
- Too many to write down

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Recap Week 20

1) Gold
I made 7k gold this week by selling blue en epic quality gems. Still stocking blue quality gems for when Ruby Sanctum hits the live server.

Made a nice amount of gold with Enduring Eye of Zul. I bought the Eye of Zul on AH for 80g and sold the cut gems for 160g a piece. 80g profit per gem and the only thing I had to do was cut them.

New project:
- Get information how to make gold with inscription.

I still have a level 70 hunter with inscription and I am going to use that profession as well to make some extra gold. Going to read some guides on the internet to see what is profitable and of course I will let you know how it works out.

To do:
- Level a toon with Enchanting and Blacksmithing.

Currently I am only using JC to make gold and I am going to try some new things. I am levelling a paladin named Goudvis (Goldfish in Dutch) with a friend of mine. I am going to level enchanting and probably blacksmithing. These will be my next project to make some extra gold. The levelling progress is nice due to the 20% extra xp I get from the heirloom items and the extra xp from the RAF (recruit a friend).

2) Mounts
This week I got two mounts getting my total to 104 mounts!

- Quel'dorei Steed: This is an Argent tournament mount and costs a 100 marks.
- Winterspring Frostsaber: Finally I got the long and boring grind finished and got the awesome reward! It took me less then a week to get from 0/210000 to 21000/21000. I spent some extra hours on wow to get the job done and hard work pays of ^^

I spent two to three hours extra a day on the Wintersaber grind and I will cut down on my online time to do some extra stuff in my new house (recently moved and now living together with my girlfriend.

RAF mount is still incoming we made the mistake to pay with a CC instead of paying with a game card. So now I have to wait another month until I get my mount! Bah!

New project:
- Glory of the Hero

So now I can start with a new project instead of the Wintersaber mount and I think I will do some heroics to get the Reins of the Red Proto-Drake which can be obtained by getting the achievement Glory of the Hero. Not that hard but there are some tricky achievements like the void achievements.

To do mounts:
- ZG Tiger and Raptor
- MgT
- Sath 3d 10/25
- Ulduar achievement mount

3) Pets
Obtained a pet this week I bought one on AH nothing special so I forgot the name of the pet >_<

- None at the moment

To do pets:
- Too many to write down

Epic quality gem selling mini guide

First you need some designs to sell epic gems. I suggest you get one of each colour to begin with. But which one should you pick?

Well I got the following designs:

Bold Cardinal Ruby
Runed Cardinal Ruby

Solid Majestic Zircon

Rigid King's Amber

Purified Dreadstone

Enduring Eye of Zul

Luminous Ametrine
Veiled Ametrine

Not many designs and almost only caster gems. I picked these because I could use them myself ^^ I do not take the time to do the Jewelcrafting daily everyday because I do not have the time to do it :P But hey it works for me so it will work for you as well! But I do advise you to get as many designs as possible so you have a larger variety to sell and thus less chance you will not sell anything due to undercutting.

Two or three times a day I check AH to see if there are cheap uncut gems. I buy the gems if they are 20g cheaper (or more of course) then the cut gems. Because the prices of the cut gems vary form day to day so I use 20g as a minimum. So I wont lose gold due to the fact the cut gems become cheaper then the uncuts I bought.

Sometimes you will buy uncuts for a nice price and a few hours later someone (stupid) undercuts the current cut gem by a lot. I suggest you hold on to those cut gems and sell them when the prices go up again so you wont lose gold. Being patience works like a charm here.

Sometimes I buy Titanium ore when it is below 120g but on my server this will almost never happen.

Mail the gems to your JC AH toon and place them on AH for 12 or 24 hours depending on when your next online moment will be.

Wintersaber mount (Alliance only)

The Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber mount summons a Frostsaber Mount (100% speed) is in my opinion one of the best looking mounts in the game. And, if you got it in Vanilla WOW, one of the hardest if not hardest mount to get.

Quests now give 250 – 350 rep and back in vanilla the only gave 50 – 75 rep and the drop rate of the quest items for Frostsaber Provisions quest were lower. This was one of the longest and hardest grinds in wow history. You had to turn in the quest 840 times (42k rep in total / 50 rep per quest) and now you have to turn it in 168 times.

Ok so where do I start and go?
Move to Winterspring and go to Rivern Frostwind at Frostsaber Rock (see link for the map for the exact NPC location).

When you begin the only quest you can do is the Provision quest. More quests will be available when your rep with Wintersaber increases. See the table below:

Frostsaber Provisions at 0 rep gives 250 rep
Winterfall Intrusion At 1500/3000 rep gives 250 rep
Rampaging Giants (elite) At 3000/3000 rep gives 350 rep

Ok I found the NPC and got the quest what now?
Well now it is time to start one of the most boring grinds in wow history but look on the bright side… you did not waste your life grinding for the mount in Vanilla wow ^^

My biggest tip is ONLY pick up the Provision quest do not pick up the other quests unless you are so bored and just want to do something else and see a different location and mobs! You can do this quest as many times as you wish per day. And the quests that Rivern Frostwind gives are the only way to get rep with Wintersaber Trainers.

The provision quest gives 250 rep and can be done in less then 10 minutes. Going for Winterfall Intrusion is just more travelling and the shamans are in my opinion too scarce and therefore you have to wait until they respawn (and this takes long) and there is always someone grinding the mobs a low level doing quests or a high level doing the same as you. The mobs of Winterfall Giants (elite) are almost always up and give more rep then the other two quests but the moving there and back just takes to long and is more boring then grinding until your eyes bleed. Stick to the Provision quest to get the mount as fast as possible!

So this is what I do:
- Set HS in Everlook
- Move to Rivern Frostwind at Frostsaber Rock
- Get quest Winterfall Provisions
- Kill mob Elder Shardtooth and Chillwind Ravager (see map for route)
- Deliver quest at Rivern Frostwind at Frostsaber Rock get the quest again
- Etc etc

If I start my route I always check if the Shamans are up for Winterfall Intrusion then I head to my spot for the Elder Shardtooth and Chillwind Ravager. After I completed the quests then I continue to do the Winterfall Provisions.

Doing this you can complete the quest eight times an hour giving 2k rep.
This means that it will take you:

Neutral to friendly 1.5 hours (3000/2000 rep an hour)
Friendly to honored 3 hours (6000/2000 rep an hour)
Honored to revered 6 hours (12000/2000 rep an hour)
Revered to exalted 10.5 hours (21000/2000 rep an hour)
Total 21 hours

Getting there from friendly to exalted is a long and boring. So make a plan for yourself like grinding x hours a day or an x amount of rep a day so you will hit exalted in x days.
What I did was 1k rep a day so I knew I would hit exalted in 42 days. In the weekends I grinded 2k to 3k rep so I could skip some days in the week to do fun stuff ^^

As for killing the mobs they are level 55-58 and thus no problem. If you can dot (damage over time) them its super easy and fast. Just run around dot everything you see and loot ;)

Hope this guide helps you with this imba mount ^^

Monday, May 17, 2010

Recap week 19

So what have i been doing this week? I am going to split this mail into three different sections: Gold, Mounts and Pets.

I have not been online much this week due to work and my GF had to use the comp ;) So I was not able to do all the things I wanted to do snif snif.

1) Gold
I made 5k this week by selling epic quality gems. I have been stocking blue quality gems because in the start of this week I almost did not sell any of then. So I am stocking them to sell them when the new instance hits the live servers. I still buy Saronite Ore everyday when the prices are below 15g a stack.

Everyday I am transmuting the blue epic gems (got 2 alchemists). I chose this one because a while ago they sold for a nice price but these days the only sell for 120g or even less. I am thinking of transmuting the purple epic gems. Why? because they sell for more and the blue solid gems sell pretty good and the purple blue quality gems seem to sell less.

Normally I also do the JC daily quest everyday to get more tokens for designs and extra gold (dragon's eye).

2) Mounts
Currently I am working on the Wintersaber mount and the Tournament mounts.

Tournament: I start the day with the Tournament Dailies that I can solo. Threat from above is impossible for me to solo as a mage and nobody seems to do this quest on my server. Thus I skip this one. After I did all the dailies I move to Winterspring and que myself for Trial of the Champion (5 man).

Wintersaber: What I do here is a bit different from what you read on most of the Wintersaber rep guides. I only do the Frostsaber Provisions quest. Why not Winterfal Intrusion? It is to crowded on my server everyday there are level 55's running there and level 80 chars to farm the mobs. The mobs have a slow respawn rate and the shamans are just never there. And the Rampaging Giants quest is just too far away and I hate all the travelling.

I do the Provision quest four times a day so my eta to get exalted is within 21 days! ^^

Note: More info about the Wintersaber rep will follow soon.

RAF Mount: Friend of mine started a new account so I will get the RAF mount soon when his trial account expires and the CC payment is accepted.

Note: More info about the RAF will follow soon.

To do mounts:
- ZG Tiger and Raptor
- MgT
- Sath 3d 10/25
- Ulduar achievement mount

3) Pets
Currently due lack of time I am buying pets on AH and not farming any.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Jewelcrafting news Cataclysm

Blue post at Wow-Europe forums by Wryxian.

I wonder what is going to happen to Jewelcrafting when Cataclysm hits seems like we have less different gems to sell (see first point below this post). This means that more people will sell the same gems and will undercut eachother more then now and the prices will drop. There will be new gems introduced (see point 3) but I wonder if this will make it as balanced as it is now. Hopefully more news on this soon.

1- Some gem colors have changed! Hit is now blue. Mastery and Dodge are yellow. Intellect is now red. These simple changes have created a much more diverse matrix of gem cuts.

2- New Jewelcrafting dailies will be introduced.

3- Many cuts are being added to support the new Mastery stat.

4- Some new Cataclysm jewelry recipes have completely random properties, and can sometimes create superior and epic versions.

5- Jewelcrafters will have some fun new (and potentially lucrative) vanity items, including fist weapons, rhinestone sunglasses, monocles, and stardust (sprinkle on players for entertainment).

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Making gold guide: Selling blue quality gems on AH

Helpful add-ons and macros
Get Auctioneer at auctioneer with this add-on you can put all the gems of the same kind on the AH with 1 single click, and it helps you with undercutting and looking for cheap Saronite Ore.

Make this macro it will make prospecting alot easier:
#show Saronite Ore
/cast Prospecting
/use Saronite Ore

Use a level 1 alt to place gems on AH
Create a level 1 alt and bring him to the AH and buy some large bags and mail them to your alt. In the end you will place over 100 gems a day on the AH and you will need the bag space on your main/JC char for other things.
Place a gem of every design you have in your bank, when you scan the AH with auctioneer you can see the AH prices if you mouse over the gems.

Buying Saronite Ore from AH
One of my golden rules is to calculate the average price of the gems you will sell. This average has to be larger than the cost of one stack of Saronite Ore. If the cost of a stack Saronite Ore is lower than the average price of the gems you sell then buy the Saronite Ore. For example you have the following designs:

Runed Scarlet Ruby (sells for around 50 g)
Glowing Twilight Opal (15g)
Smooth Autum's Glow (20g)
Enduring Forest Emeralds (15g)
Veiled Monarch Topaz (20g)
Solid Sky Sapphire (20g)

Average price is of your gems is 23.33g, so buy stacks of Saronite Ore that are below 30g. On my server the stacks of Saronite Ore are around 12-20 g, and I only buy ore when it's lower then 15 g a stack.

The amount of Saronite Ore you should buy depends on the amount of gold you have and the amount of gems you sell. If you have allot of gold and sell alot gems than buy alot of Saronite Ore. Ofc you will see for yourself if you buy too much (have allot of unsold gems) or buy too less (all your gems are sold and don't have spare gems in bank). Just adjust to these two things, hard for me to tell you how much you should buy (I buy over 24 stacks a day). Prospect the ore you have cut the gems you want to sell, mail them to your alt and place them on the AH.

Why Saronite Ore and not Cobalt Ore, in my experience Saronite gives more blue quality gems and is cheaper anyway.

Selling gems on AH
- Place the gems on AH for 12 hours and undercut the lowest price with 1 silver.
- Place them on the AH in the morning before 8.00 or 11.00, and they will expire if not sold in the evening so you can put them on AH again.
- Don't put more than 10 gems of each kind on AH (except red gems they will prob sell anyway)
- Place new crafted gems whenever you can on AH.

The important times to place your gems on AH are around 18.00 and 23.00, because most guilds start raiding and end the raids at these times. They will have new gear and need to gem these so this is your opportunity to sell them ^^. And I chose for the 12 hours duration because of the undercutting, now I can undercut 2 times a day with the same gems.

Dragon's Eye and Icy Prism
If you have some decent designs that sell well you can start using your Dalaran Jewelcrafting tokens to buy Dragon's Eye's and sell them on the AH. They sell for around 100g, so this is a little extra money everyday. The daily quests for the Dalaran Jewelcrafting tokens can be found on wowhead.

You can also make Icy Prism's every 20 hours. The Frozen Orbs are sold on AH for around 20-25g and drop in Heroic instances and can be bought with Emblem of Heroism.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jewel Crafting designs: blue quality

What designs should I get?
This is a good question indeed. I suggest at the start you get the gems that:

- you can use yourself
- gems that sell fast

Why?, well that's pretty easy, making gems you can use is always nice as you won't need to buy them from AH yourself.
Gems that sell faster than other gems will probably give less profit but you will sell them fast and you won't lose gold due to the AH fee. And it's just very irritating to see your gems expire.

Note: when you will get more designs and prospect allot per day you can always trow in some slow selling gems to get more variaty in your gems. The more different gems you sell the more chance you have you will sell them.

What colors should I get first?
Try to get a Red design first apart from the one you learn from the trainer, the ones you learn from the trainer will most of the time give the less profit. Red gems give the most profit of all the colors. After that try to:

- get a design from every color that sells fast.

When prospecting ore you will get gems from the five different colors so you want to sell them all to make profit. After that you can try some other designs to see if they sell good on your server.

Soooo what designs are good?
Note: These are the ones I have been selling, this does not mean these gems are the best ones. But it works for me and you should try to find designs that fit you and your server.

- Runed Scarlet Ruby

- Smooth Autum's Glow
- Quick Autum's Glow
- Thick Autum's Glow

- Potent Monarch Topaz
- Veiled Monarch Topaz

- Royal Twilight Opal
- Regal Twilight Opal
- Glowing Twilight Opal

- Solid Sky Sapphire
- Stormy Sky Sapphire

- Enduring Forest Emerald (vendoring these lately)

Where to get these designs?
Ok so now you should have some idea about which designs you want to get and this nice guide will show you exactly where to get the designs: Crafterstome.

There are also some easy to obtain gems:
- 100% drops from mobs in Northrend see wowhead first comment.
- 100% drops in instances see wowhead.

The other gems are acquired by:
- Stone Keeper's Shards obtained by winning Wintergrasp and when in control of Wintergrasp killing bosses in normal and heroic WOLK instances (heroics give more shards ofc) and can be bought in Wintergrasp when controlled. see wowhead.
- Doing the JC daily quest and buy designs with Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Tokens. see wowhead.
- Getting exalted status with certain factions. see wowhead.

How to level JC

When you have a level 80 char and you decided to earn some decent gold you can reroll you profession to JC. Not only does this profession give a nice gold boost but it also gives a nice dps boots due to the special Bind on Pickup gems JC can make.

Note: Level JC on your main due to the fact that some good designs can only be obtained by being exalted with some factions. This is only for the blue quality designs, epic quality gems can be purcased with JC tokens gained by doing JC dailies, Damaged Necklesses and prospecting Titanium Ore and handing in Titanium powder.

I suggest you drop one of your professions that gives the lowest DPS boost and replace it with JC. You can probably buy all the reagents needed in the AH and it will only require an amount of 1.5-2k gold (depends on the prices on your server). You won't need to reroll or have the profession mining.
If you are leveling a level 1 char with JC then i would advise you to take mining and drop it after you maxed JC and take a profession that gives a better DPS upgrade.
You will buy all the Saronite Ore on AH that is needed for the prospecting of ores, farming the ores yourself just takes too long because you will be prospecting around 24 stacks a day. Farming that amount of ore every day is very time consuming and we don't want that ^^

Here are some links to sites who have a nice guide how to power level your JC profession:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New available pet at PTR 3.3.5: Mini-Thor

There will be a new pet will be available when patch 3.3.5 hits the live servers.

It will be the Mini-Thor pet!

How to obtain: Buy the Starcraft 2 Collector's Edition (€ 89,99 at
Video: See Mmo-Champion

In my oppinion the pet looks amazing but I am not going to pay € 89,99 for the Collector's Edition :(

Easy way to make some extra gold

So this will be my first post about how I am making gold in WoW. I will show you some old trick to make some decent gold with low quality gems:

When prospecting you can use the Bloodstones, Chaldony, Citrine and Sun Crystal to make Bloodstone Band, Crystal Chalcedony Amulet, Crystal Citrine Necklace, and Sun Rock Ring.

You have to buy Eternal Earth and turn it onto Crystallized Earth.

To sum it up:
Buy a stack of Eternal Earth under 100g, cost per crafted item is 1 gold (1x Eternal Earth = 10x Crystallized Earth and you need 2x Crystallized Earth per item so 100g /20 (stack)/10 (10x CE in 1 stack) x 2 (need 2 CE per craft))

Buy Bloodstones, Chaldony, Citrine and Sun Crystal on AH under 20g a stack (1g a gem) or use the gems form prospecting if the gems sell for over 40g a stack on AH sell them on AH ^^

Soo the cost for 1 craft = 1g (CE) + 1g (gem) = 2g

The items sell at an NPC for 3g 14s 78c - 2g = 1g 14s 78c profit per craft.

Note: I dont have a char with enchanting so i do not know if disenchanting these items gives more profit. But selling them to an NPC is less time comsuming and time = gold ;)