Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wintersaber mount (Alliance only)

The Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber mount summons a Frostsaber Mount (100% speed) is in my opinion one of the best looking mounts in the game. And, if you got it in Vanilla WOW, one of the hardest if not hardest mount to get.

Quests now give 250 – 350 rep and back in vanilla the only gave 50 – 75 rep and the drop rate of the quest items for Frostsaber Provisions quest were lower. This was one of the longest and hardest grinds in wow history. You had to turn in the quest 840 times (42k rep in total / 50 rep per quest) and now you have to turn it in 168 times.

Ok so where do I start and go?
Move to Winterspring and go to Rivern Frostwind at Frostsaber Rock (see link for the map for the exact NPC location).

When you begin the only quest you can do is the Provision quest. More quests will be available when your rep with Wintersaber increases. See the table below:

Frostsaber Provisions at 0 rep gives 250 rep
Winterfall Intrusion At 1500/3000 rep gives 250 rep
Rampaging Giants (elite) At 3000/3000 rep gives 350 rep

Ok I found the NPC and got the quest what now?
Well now it is time to start one of the most boring grinds in wow history but look on the bright side… you did not waste your life grinding for the mount in Vanilla wow ^^

My biggest tip is ONLY pick up the Provision quest do not pick up the other quests unless you are so bored and just want to do something else and see a different location and mobs! You can do this quest as many times as you wish per day. And the quests that Rivern Frostwind gives are the only way to get rep with Wintersaber Trainers.

The provision quest gives 250 rep and can be done in less then 10 minutes. Going for Winterfall Intrusion is just more travelling and the shamans are in my opinion too scarce and therefore you have to wait until they respawn (and this takes long) and there is always someone grinding the mobs a low level doing quests or a high level doing the same as you. The mobs of Winterfall Giants (elite) are almost always up and give more rep then the other two quests but the moving there and back just takes to long and is more boring then grinding until your eyes bleed. Stick to the Provision quest to get the mount as fast as possible!

So this is what I do:
- Set HS in Everlook
- Move to Rivern Frostwind at Frostsaber Rock
- Get quest Winterfall Provisions
- Kill mob Elder Shardtooth and Chillwind Ravager (see map for route)
- Deliver quest at Rivern Frostwind at Frostsaber Rock get the quest again
- Etc etc

If I start my route I always check if the Shamans are up for Winterfall Intrusion then I head to my spot for the Elder Shardtooth and Chillwind Ravager. After I completed the quests then I continue to do the Winterfall Provisions.

Doing this you can complete the quest eight times an hour giving 2k rep.
This means that it will take you:

Neutral to friendly 1.5 hours (3000/2000 rep an hour)
Friendly to honored 3 hours (6000/2000 rep an hour)
Honored to revered 6 hours (12000/2000 rep an hour)
Revered to exalted 10.5 hours (21000/2000 rep an hour)
Total 21 hours

Getting there from friendly to exalted is a long and boring. So make a plan for yourself like grinding x hours a day or an x amount of rep a day so you will hit exalted in x days.
What I did was 1k rep a day so I knew I would hit exalted in 42 days. In the weekends I grinded 2k to 3k rep so I could skip some days in the week to do fun stuff ^^

As for killing the mobs they are level 55-58 and thus no problem. If you can dot (damage over time) them its super easy and fast. Just run around dot everything you see and loot ;)

Hope this guide helps you with this imba mount ^^

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